Wednesday, December 10, 2008


  • There is a face-off after a goal, a penalty or when the ball strikes the goalie in the helmet area.
  • Checking is an important part of the game but checking from behind and violent checks into the board are not allowed. Penalty shots can be called in extreme cases.
  • Cross-checking is not a penalty unless it is from behind.
  • High sticking is a judgment call. Incidental contact with the helmet by an opposing player's stick is not an automatic penalty.
  • Players or goalies out of the crease are penalized for catching the ball with their hand.
  • Contact with the hand results in possession to the other team.
  • A player with the ball cannot push off with his free hand or arm. If so, possession is awarded to the other team.
  • Any player on the offensive team can be checked but if your team has possession of the ball, you cannot check back. Any responsive checking will result in loss of possession.
  • The ball can be kicked, but not for a goal.
  • You cannot go into the other team's crease to take a shot, or cut through it. Checking a player or touching the goalie while in the opposing team's crease results in a penalty.
  • The goalie in Lacrosse can play anywhere on the floor (there is no centre red line for offside) and functions as any other player on the team.

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